The .xch Name Service for the Chia Blockchain
Featuring the Most Chia Wallet support of any name service on Chia!
More than 6,600 .xch Namesdao name registrations completed including chiaproject.xch, bramcohen.xch and hoffmang.xch
As covered by XCH Central’s blog, XCH Foundation & Digital Spaceport on YouTube, and Hemadao in China
Supporting & Donating to multiple Chia developers & projects since 2022!
Check Name Availability
is available for NAME tokens!
Chia wallet users: Send NAME tokens or XCH to xch1jhye8dmkhree0zr8t09rlzm9cc82mhuqtp5tlmsj4kuqvs69s2wsl90su4
with a memo of:
Need NAME tokens?
or Register with Goby wallet
Name is not registered, but it's not a name that's open for registration yet. Names should be 5 or more letters and numbers only, or else 5 or more letters and numbers after one or three underscores.
Name is reserved and not currently available for registration.
is not yet available, but will be available at your local time approximately, block #
Waiting for token transaction to be confirmed. Do not close this tab...
A Namesdao .xch Name is:
- a simple wallet address you can give to people
- a personal payment page when you add .am
- a website/domain name you can point to your own website with our service!
Namesdao has several options for .xch names, depending on your budget, from free to around $5-10 per year.
Names Like | Token Cost | or XCH Cost | Namespace |
JoeIsMyName.xch | 5 NAME | 0.19 XCH | Zero-Underscore (0u), 7+ chars |
_Space.xch | 0.5 NAME | 0.018 XCH | Single-Underscore (1u), 5+ chars |
___Ribbit.xch | Free! (0.001 AIR) or 0.001 SBX | 1 mojo of XCH | Triple-Underscore (3u), 5+ chars |
Rabbit.xch | 10 NAME | 0.31 XCH | Zero-Underscore (0u), 6 chars |
Fuzzy.xch | 20 NAME | 0.62 XCH | Zero-Underscore (0u), 5 chars |
Coming in 2025
- Namesdao .xch name support in Three more Chia wallets, in addition to the current 4-6 wallets!
- Namesdao moves to decentralized registration, with backward compatibility!
Recent Releases
- Opened registration of what were formerly Reserved Names, in preparation for decentralized registration
- Opened 5-letter .xch names for registration
- On-time release of name renewals
Renew your .xch Name
It’s the same as registering, just use the memo MyName.xch:MyName.xch , sending to the same address and using the same fee. You can renew from any wallet and the renewal will go to the same wallet as the previous NFT – yes, you get a new NFT with a new expiry block. NOTE: The name MUST be expired before you can renew it. You have an approximately 90-day grace period to renew. You can choose a new capitalization in the display name when you renew, e.g. using MyNaME.xch:MyNaME.xch as your memo for myname.xch – BOTH names in the memo should use the new capitalization, for simplicity.
Register a .xch Name
On Your Cell Phone, using XCH or NAME tokens
Android/iOS: Evergreen Mobile App using XCH or NAME tokens Android: Frodo Wallet using XCH or NAME tokens
With Goby Wallet, using XCH
Just head to
With Chia Wallet, using NAME tokens (or XCH)
Get some NAME token via Dexie (or for a free triple-underscore name, ask for some AIR token in our Discord)
Send your 5 or 10 NAME tokens (or 0.5 NAME or 0.001 AIR, see above) to:
and click on “Show Advanced Options” and enter in “Memo” the name you want, e.g.ThisName.xch
Names are case-insensitive; the capitalization you submit will be used in the display name shown in the NFT image.
Wait a minute or two and check the NFT in the Chia Wallet for your new Namesdao .xch Name!
Note: If you want to check on the name availability, see the form at the top of this page. Names must be 7 or more letters or numbers at this moment for names with no underscores at the beginning, or 5 or more letters or numbers for names with 1 or 3 underscores at the beginning.
- In your Chia wallet, you can also add NAME (or AIR) to your token list so you see your tokens better. The Asset Id for NAME is
and the Asset Id for AIR is824c71e37ac660006e03f7884561e7a124d930460ae1506a9c234c06ebc6aa1d
.- After clicking on “Tokens” in the top left, click on “Manage Token List” at the bottom left:
- Click on the plus sign “+” at the top right edge of the menu that pops up:
- Fill in the name “NAME” and the Asset Id:
- After clicking on “Tokens” in the top left, click on “Manage Token List” at the bottom left:
With Hoogii Browser Extension Wallet, using NAME or AIR or XCH
Install Hoogii at and follow the instructions below for Chia Wallet
Use a .xch Name
- Namesdao .xch names are integrated directly into 4 wallets, plus 2 more via our dapp (Goby and Hoogii)
- Use your .xch names directly in Frodo Wallet, Evergreen Mobile App, Green Wallet App and Ozone Wallet
- To send XCH, tokens and NFTs, with wallets like Evergreen Mobile App and Frodo Wallet
- As a website, or
- Send a payment With Goby wallet or Hoogii wallet, at
- Advanced Users: With our namesdao-cli
- More wallets coming soon…
More options and info for advanced users below!
Plus check out our About Page to learn more about our highly experienced team, one of the best in the Chia space
Check out our Dapp website for lots of more goodies
Namesdao Firsts include…
- First Name Service to launch on the Chia blockchain
- First Wallet to support .xch names
- First PGP/gpg-encrypted memos on the Chia blockchain
- First Service Usable from Chia Wallet using Memo’s
- First two-letter xch TLD extension Name Service / Personalized Payment Page (.cx/.am)
- First .xch name supporting payment Dapp for browser extension wallets
- First blockchain with free tier in a Name Service
- First error messages/refunds using memo’s to indicate cause
- First Command-line interface to support .xch names & CAT2 token transfers (for reg)
- First DNS resolution via Chia blockchain
- First Chia blockchain app using DID metadata
- DNS resolution via Chia blockchain
- Simplified registration, eliminating need to indicate destination address for the Name
- Released auto-refunds for failed registrations made with NAME tokens
- Upgraded refund transactions to provide an error message / explanation in the memo
- Released general availability of zero-underscore names
- CHIP-0009, Chia Improvement Proposal created and submitted to the community
- Upgraded Namesdao-cli to support registrations paid with NAME token, including cloaked registrations
- Started staggered rollout of zero-underscore(0u) names
- chia-crypto-utils adds Namesdao API support
- Released cloaked registrations & upgraded namesdao-cli
- Namesdao .xch wallet packaged for Ubuntu/Debian
- Namesdao .xch wallet release
- Faster Secondary Name Resolver
- Dapp upgrade to default payment values
- Released personalized payment page
- First secondary market sales of Namesdao .xch Name NFT’s
- Released first paid tier, single-underscore names
- Namedrop of single-underscore names to triple-underscore namesholders
- Released personalized payment page
- Released dapp for easy registration and payments using .xch name
- Namesdao-cli release for making XCH payments
- Register with XCH
- Launch with free triple-underscore tier w/ CATs payment
- Free AIR token distribution
Biggest Misconceptions about Namesdao
- Some people think “Name resolution is centralized” - No, the Chia blockchain is the primary name resolver
- Some people think “It’s a domain name” - Yes, and it’s also more than that, since it’s an NFT and it’s also a wallet address!
More Notes
Your .xch name is case-insensitive, but the NFT will store the capitalization you used when you requested the name and have that available as a Display Name attribute, and also use that name in the NFT image we create for your .xch name.
We’ll be generating offers for NAME tokens in XCH at the rate of approximately $1 per NAME token at the time of offer creation, at the present time.
Namesdao is in the process of building a decentralized name registration solution to complement its existing decentralized name resolution. Names can be used to send tokens using our Goby wallet-integrated dapp at or our open source command-line interface, namesdao-cli. Stay tuned for news about more support. These two methods initially use our secondary cache lookup provided as a convenience.
Note: Names initially may be up to 100 characters long, but may not be 62 characters long.
You may pay more than the minimum registration fee. Any additional amount will be considered a contribution to Namesdao and much appreciated.
The Goby-wallet-integrated dapp only supports payment in XCH at this moment. We hope to add NAME token payment support in the not too distant future.
The XCH registration price may be updated over time, e.g. monthly, check our website for latest details
Namesdao .xch Names leverage the extensive infrastructure of Chia NFT1 names, including offers, transfers, wallet support, NFT explorers and more. A Namesdao name may be sold or transferred easily. Existing names holders have placed names for sales at prices from 0.42069 XCH, up to 666 XCH.
Namesdao .xch names are provided without warranty or guaranty and Namesdao’s liability shall be limited to the registration fee paid to Namesdao, excluding the Chia blockchain transaction fee. This is an experimental product in an early beta test release.
Thank you all for support and encouragement, and a special thanks for the mentions on Twitter and other social networks.
Namesdao is not affiliated with the Chia Network Inc. corporation.
Copyright 2025 Namesdao